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Anime Hunter X Hunter (it will change your life)

Anime Hunter X Hunter (Anime will change your life)

Anime Hunter X Hunter (it will change your life)

I will show you the best anime series that will change your life.

Hunter X Hunter is the first anime I started watching anime is not my idea about the anime and love to the anime, all who think that the anime fees for young people only and is useless, this is a false idea

For those who do not know anime.

 Anime is a type of animation that has emerged and is famous in Japan and is characterized by its stark graphics and colors that express vibrant characters. The anime has used many characteristics that are unique and unique to Japan. The big eyes used in anime characters are a Japanese symbol and reference to the term windows to the soul.
It is worth mentioning that the anime is not only for children, but anime movies are dealing with topics related to adults as well. Anime is an abbreviation for animation, a word used within Japan to refer to all Japanese animation, and outside Japan anime is used to refer to Japanese animation only.

The anime has become a local Japanese product, the story is the most prominent elements, and it is worth mentioning that the anime has become an international phenomenon attracting millions of viewers, and the movies have been translated into many international languages, the anime is not limited to a certain type but is comprehensive, where it appears in books and movies, as It captures comics, adventure, science fiction, horror, and other types of animations.

Anime History:

The emergence of anime at the beginning of the cinema in the early twentieth century, where the beginnings of animation was to draw on films and display, or paper pieces, and then began to add one after another on these drawings, and Japan became using different techniques in the production of animation with the addition Its sound technology with loud colors. They also started using multiple cameras, transparencies, or films used in the production of animation. The anime has emerged to be one of the most important culturally dominant forces in Japan during the 20th century. 

By the beginning of the Second World War, especially in the 1930s, the trend in the production of anime and animation became commercial or government propaganda, and was not intended to entertain the people of that period. The first official Japanese production company for entertainment animation appeared after World War II in 1948 and was called Toye, and one of the characteristics that characterized the animation at the time was that it took its features from the famous Walt Disney films. The modern anime appeared in 1956 and was very successful and accepted. 

Examples of the drawings produced by Toy Ninja Sarutobi Sasuke were produced in 1959. The first television production of the animated company Toye was the popular manga Mitsuhiro Yokohama in the charming Sally, and a child with the giant robot, Osamu Tezuka was the pioneer in the production of modern manga, and Japanese comic novels contributed to the emergence of anime aesthetic significantly. Japanese animation remained produced only in Japan until 1963, where it first appeared in the United States of America, where the film appeared Astro boy, and was adapted from the manga filmmaker Osamu Tezuka and specifically from the robot boy with great powers.

 In 1968, Japanese anime or animation became more sophisticated abroad and the local manga style was produced. The person responsible for its rapid development outside Japan, especially in the USA, was Peter Fernandez. It is worth mentioning that when the Japanese anime was translated into English, some sections and scenes that did not fit the English culture were removed, and this continued until the masses began demanding the original Japanese versions before being edited. In 1997, the anime film Princess Mononoke appeared, reflecting local popular adventures, and at the beginning of the 21st century the anime began to achieve wide popularity and international with the emergence of the famous series Pokemon, and the film kidnapped, which won the Academy Award for a best-animated film.

After we knew what anime is and its history

Hunter X Hunter Story

The story revolves around John, who discovered that his father, who was told that he was dead, is already alive, knowing that his father, Ging, a famous sniper, specializes in the great chases of the mighty men, And also the rhythm of the outlaws.
However, even though Anne-Ging left his son with his relatives to realize his dream, John walked in the footsteps of his father and became a sniper, finally found his father, and learned a lot about the mother's journey. From hunters and snipers.

I advise you to watching this anime
it will change your lif

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