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Free Course For Bring Traffic to your site through WhatsApp

Free Course For Bring Traffic to your site through WhatsApp

Free Course For Bring Traffic to your site through WhatsApp

What is Traffic?

Traffic is the traffic that comes to the website, and of course traffic is very important because it is the basic requirement of the owners of the sites and find in the steps to create the website a special step to traffic sources because after the completion of the site you need to publicize the site and bring traffic to the site and get a good ranking in the search engines On targeted keywords and start profit from the site.

Traffic is one of the most important conditions for the success of the site and also profit from the site because it is the usefulness of the site without the presence of traffic and the benefit of exclusive content industry without being seen by one, so bringing traffic to the site is one of the most important occupants of sites.

The importance of traffic to sites
1 - Bringing traffic to the site changes the ranking of the site in Alexa and also the ranking of the site in the results of search engines.

2 - Organic Traffic is one of the most important types of traffic that must work on it by providing good content and internal SEO of the site and also the application of SEO rules.

3 - by bringing traffic to the site and the good use of keywords and SEO factors, that leaves a good experience for users and this is what Google is looking for and also affects the domain Athorty and Page Athorty.

4 - Whenever you gain visits to your site is considered that you got new customers, either for your site or for the product you are promoting and thus increase your profits from the Internet.

Traffic types and sources
Traffic sources are many and varied, including organic sources and non-organic sources, including many types of traffic sources, including paid and free sources, all of which have been explained in detail…

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Traffic is one of the most important means of profit from the website and even that the goal is not profit, the traffic is the indicator of the extent of the spread of the site and its fame and the size of the benefit issued to visitors and therefore, the sources of traffic vary between free and paid and you can exploit according to your goal from the site.

We offer you a free course bringing Traffic through WhatsApp

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