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The story of the struggle of the owner of Honda

The story of the struggle of the owner of Honda

The story of the struggle of the owner of Honda

Born in Japan, Soichiro Honda has chosen to pursue his dream from a young age. He finished this piece and showed it to Toyota. His piece was rejected, and he has apologized for the piece he made did not meet Toyota standards. For Honda, the problems are over J that period, Japan was preparing to enter the war, and therefore the state has rejected his request to obtain the cement it needs to build its plant, but he did not give up, however, he invented with his companions method for making cement, and used to build this plant. Challenges continue to emerge against Honda. His factory was bombed twice during the war, destroying key parts of his factory. At the time, the odds did not give him much time to stand on his feet. His lab was completely destroyed when an earthquake struck Japan at the time. , Try Honda Turki When his engines ended, he decided to build an engine factory, but he did not have the capital to build the factory. He decided to address all the shop owners to help him. Until he raised the necessary capital, he began selling, modifying, and developing bicycles, reaching his bicycles in the USA and Europe.

As much as in this arduous experience of obstacles and tragedies, as much as the sense of determination, will, and challenge, amazingly.

It is the story of Japanese Sikiru Honda, who overcame difficult circumstances: poverty and school failure, then the cruelty of the Second World War and the bitter loss of people closest to him, and finally the subsequent natural disasters, sometimes economic, at other times, according to the report published on the magazine "Entrepreneurs"

While the whole world seems to have conspired not to stand up for this man, but he succeeded in the establishment of the company "Honda", the leader in the manufacture of cars and motorcycles;

the beginning

Sikiru Honda was born in 1899 in a Japanese city, in a family living in extreme poverty that has killed five of them; food scarcity and malnutrition.

 At the beginning of his life, Honda suffered from academic failure, which led him to leave school in the eighth grade, heading to work.

Work at a young age

While working in a small car maintenance workshop, Honda discovered his passion for mechanics; despite his young age, he continued his passion and borrowed money to make valve rings for cars.

Contracting with “Toyota”

TOKYO (Reuters) - Honda has sought to promote its new product to Toyota, a Japanese automaker, but has refused to buy the product, citing a lack of conditions.

Back to Education

Instead of pushing Honda into despair and frustration, he was determined to return to school to develop his skills and develop the design of the valves he produced. He spent two years doing his best to develop his product to the standards that prompted Toyota to hire him.

 An obstacle to establishing the factory

The contract between Honda and Toyota to supply the latter with a large number of valves, which prompted him to consider building a plant to pump these quantities.

Meanwhile, as World War II broke out, the Japanese government refused to supply Honda with the cement needed to build its plant.

Honda did not despair and decided to produce cement himself with the help of some of his collaborators, so he was already able to build his new factory;

Bomb the factory

As the production process grew, the factory was bombarded by air as a result of the war, which destroyed parts of it. Honda restored it, and it was not until days that the factory was tossed again. The heroic man restored the factory for the second time. "No way".

 Natural disaster

 After a two-time restoration of the plant, Japan was hit by an earthquake that left the plant in ruins. Honda sold the valve idea to Toyota for a sum of money.

 From the heart of crises

Japan suffered from an economic recession, which led to a severe scarcity of gasoline supplies; Honda created from the heart of that crisis a new opportunity, taking advantage of his experience and his love for the field of mechanics, and worked on the development of bicycles operating with “kerosene” instead of gasoline; Many rushes to buy it.

Climb to the global

At a later stage, Honda built its new factory to make the engines needed for its new innovation; it was a remarkable success, taking it to the world; it also produced huge quantities of motorcycles, part of which was for export.

Honda founded his company in 1948 in Japan, and its products have achieved widespread popularity in the world.

 In 1968, Honda sold one million motorcycles to the United States and Europe, while Sikiru Honda received the Emperor of Japan award.

Social responsibility

 When he reached the age of 63, Honda stepped down as chairman of the company and was keen to include young cadres to devote his life to public services.

 On August 5, 1991, Honda died of kidney failure, leaving a valuable lesson in the boundless ambition.

 Honda today

Honda is currently one of the most important automotive empires in Japan and the world, with about 100,000 employees in the United States and Japan alone.

 Lessons learned:


If you have ambition, your imagination will not be desperate. Honda's True ambition is not unrelated to results. As experiments fail or succeed, the ceiling of ambition grows to such an extent that it is impossible.

 Advantage of calamities:

Some might see a war in flames and a scarcity of petroleum resources such as gasoline as a major crisis that despair. Honda saw these conditions from a different angle. He made the heart of the crisis a new innovation, the bike, which was the actual beginning of his rise to the top.

 Insistence and determination:

When Honda couldn't get the cement, he made it himself, and when he needed education after leaving school, he came back. When his factory was bombed, he rebuilt it, not only once, but twice. When fuel is scarce, he introduced a new mode of transportation, stressing that failure is only a flimsy argument made by the weak-minded.

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