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The story of the child and a tree

The story of the child and a tree

The story of the child and a tree

A story with wisdom :
There are well-known stories that have been circulated among people over generations, for clarity of lessons and sermons in which they can play a role in the development of the child's thought, we will put some of them with the addition of judgment extracted from the story.

The story of the child and a tree

Apple tells that one day there was a big apple tree with branches, full of fruit, strong trunk, and twigs, and next to the tree there is a child always close to her, playing and playing, climbing on its branches, and eating fruits, and if tired of playing underneath shadows and twigs Large, and this was on a daily basis. 

The days passed by and the child grew up and was busy with the tree, so he stopped going to the tree, but one day he came back to him sadly. The tree asked him to play with her. The boy said, 'I am no longer young and I need some money to buy some items.' Take the apple from my branches, sell it, and use the profits to buy what you want. Years later the child came back, and as usual the tree told him to come and play with me, he said to her I became a big man, I have a family I am responsible for, and I need to build a house, can you help me ?, she said to him I do not have a house but you can take from the branches as you like, To build your house, the man did and took the branches and left happily. The days and years pass and the tree is lonely sad for the child who grew up and became a man and no longer meets her, and suddenly came on a very hot summer day the tree was happy to come and said to him play with me, he said I have grown a lot and I became old and I want to rest from the trouble of the world and live a relaxing period To take sail away from the people, but I do not have a boat sailed, the tree said to him Take from my trunk and make a boat, he took from the trunk and made the boat and went about it and did not return for many years; after all these years, the man returned to the tree, and he used to return to ask for something, By saying: "Sorry, but I became too big and I have nothing to security "I don't have teeth to bite," she said. "I don't have a torso to play and climb on," he said. "I don't need it. I became an old man. I can't do it. I was sad." The tree a lot; because it has nothing to give it is almost dead roots have become weak, the old man replied, saying all I need and I want now is to rest from these years, I need a place to rest only, she said to him this tree my roots, which is what I have left you can sit and take a share of Rest by my side, sit and lie here as you like.

 The wisdom of the story:

We must appreciate all the blessings that life gives us, such as the blessing of parents, the grace of health, and the grace of the beauty and giving of nature. When he resorted to it until all its energies were exhausted and unable to give, this child would grow up and become a young man, then a man, then an elderly elderly man who would never realize the value of his parents until he had lost everything. He needed rest and he turned to them again because he knew that parents were the source of rest.

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