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Free course to work with Google Adsense

Free course to work with Google Adsense

Free course to work with Google Adsense

Google AdSense

 It is a Google advertising program that allows website owners to place ads on their sites in a free and simple way.

Features of Google AdSense Customization and control Google AdSense program enables the user to customize, control and change the ads, including these changes:

Change the ad format to fit the site. Determine where your ad appears on the site. Show ads that are relevant to users' interests. Choose ad sizes and formats through a variety of options. Block certain categories of ads from appearing. Easy access to support Google AdSense provides advertiser support by:

Personal recommendations during business growth. Help Center and E-learning tools are available to learn how to successfully run an account. Accessing Google Ads Google Adsense makes it easy to access ads because:

Enables instant and automatic access to a large source of advertiser requests. It provides competition for specific ad spaces. Enables access to relevant online content ads. Display tools Google AdSense provides easy and personalized reports, enabling the user to understand the performance of their ads and identify the expected growth opportunities. Steps to use Google AdSense Using Google AdSense requires the following steps:

Create a Google user account, follow the instructions to create AdSense settings, and eventually, a JavaScript code appears, copied and saved to a file for later use. Log in to the Web site's program with an administrator account. Click on the Site icon and then on the global configuration, and change the default editor WYSIWYG to Unedited. Create a new version of the custom HTML module, paste the copied Javascript into its place, fill in other parameters such as "Title," and then save the module. WYSIWYG defaults back to where it was Tips When Using Google Adsense When using Google AdSense you should pay attention to the following:

Choose the appropriate type and format of your ad to be posted on the website. It may include text, an image, or both, and of course the more ad formats the more chances are you will earn more. Choose where your ad will appear by copying and pasting a sample of code where you want the ad to appear. Monitor the highest paying ads, where the best ad space is bidding. Paying to advertisers and networks is done by automatic payment when a certain amount of money is accrued.

I present to you the course of Adsense Arbitrage will address many elements

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