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The boy and the businessman (WISDOM)

The boy and the businessman (WISDOM)

The boy and the businessman (WISDOM)

In one corner of the abandoned subway .. there was a scrawny boy
The body .. absent-minded .. sell pencils... People were good to him
Without taking anything from him
He passed by a businessman... He put a dollar in his bag and then boarded the metro

In a hurry, after a bit of reflection, he came out of the subway again, he walked towards the boy ...and took some pencils, he explained to the young man, in a mostly apologetic tone, he forgot to pick the pens he wanted to buy ,from him ... He said: You are a businessman like, and you have goods you sell, and prices ,ery suitable, then boarded the next train.

Years later, on one social occasion, an elegant young entrepreneur moved toward a businessman, introducing himself to him, saying:You probably don't remember me, I don't even know your name, but I won't , i forget what you greeted.

You are the man who restored my respect and self-esteem ,I think I'm just a failed beggar selling pencils until you came ,She told me that I am a man I treat.

One wise man once said that many people had reached beyond They thought they were able to do it, someone else thought they could What do we think our children can do, and what do we think of ourselves?

Have you failed to achieve something important in your life??!! You passed in your life Suffering, sadness, and frustrations?

Are you tired of frequent failures and frustrations until you reached your mind And your depths and your body and your health? !! This failure would make you afraid of taking , Practical steps make you contribute to the building of the civilization of your country? !!

Did you forget your dreams? !!

Failure to achieve what you want is normal in the world we live in. It is not failure that makes us fail, but if we stop trying, We accepted this failure to be a failure.

Why do some people fail consistently?

Because they have written some frustrating words such as This is impossibly - difficult - no
I appreciate - did anyone do before us - tired of the many frustrations and failure that
I passed by.
Not what has happened to you in the past, but what you will do now. Yeah,
Now it will make a difference in your life. And so things change
I change not others. Do not accept to live on the sidelines of life like no
Weigh you and no value.
To change your day,
It is impossible to change grabbed .., It may be difficult
But by the teaching of your past failures and mistakes, everything is possible tomorrow, with permission
God, because your ability is unlimited, ... unlimited ... unlimited ...

Abnormally if you want to be successful, give your energy
Only 1%, then you feel that you are giving real success.

Small actions lead you to great success.
 Our ambitions for life are caused by small actions.
If your initial vision failed, consider it an experience I learned from
And I benefited from it because everything God created because of, and what happened to you
It happened because maybe it was preparing you for a treat !!
You are in your hands be or not be!
Some people have a life, and put his failure in front of him! And some people
He walks with life and his previous fights leave him behind, leaving this past with his tragedies
And frustrations and set off again!
Which of the two teams are you ?!
Wisdom says: << Go behind your dream with serious desire, determination, and determination,
Either you succeed, or you learn and grow up >>
Perhaps what people see as a failure is a step towards your success
Sure, so I want you to ascend above your failure. Believe me, if you run your mind
With success, you will succeed, God willing, and if you run your mind to fail, it will fail.
The decision is yours. Make sure that success is a decision you make now, not tomorrow

change your life by yourself

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