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The story of the struggle of writer Jack London

The story of the struggle of writer Jack London

The story of the struggle of writer Jack London

Jack London's dream from a young age was to become a writer, and although he described himself as moody and hating restrictions, he took it upon himself to write a thousand words a day for the rest of his life, whatever the circumstances he was going through, and he committed to doing so throughout his life even if he was sick, Or on holiday, or even if he was going to war, and kept writing whether he felt inspired or not. Editors are looking for another job, but he kept trying, and he continued with kata E, and it rejected his writings 600 times, during which he worked as a courier mail to secure his family money required to live, and as a result of the insistence of Jack London and his struggle, he achieved his dream and began its spread, even sold some of its millions of copies and became one of the most novels read in American literature.

Jack London was born in America in 1876 and died there in 1916, and his father was a priest working astrology, erased and reading the unseen, and this influenced Jack London, which made him known in the socialist and Marxist literature that he comes from the junior bourgeois class and works to serve the toiling class, Jack tasted the bitterness of life and worked in a variety of professions. He was a journalist, a bandit, a laboratory worker, a ship captain, the naval police, a reporter, and a mine. He was believed to have died by suicide due to various diseases.

About the life of Jack London:

Jack London joined the General Socialist Group in 1879 and was only three years old, forming seminars to learn the Communist Manifesto, the writings of Marx, Kant and Spencer, representing socialist organizations and parties in the work of municipal councils, and participating in socialist meetings with his revolutionary speeches in America He is said to have died of illness, severe stress, alcoholism and spiritual collapse, and is said to have committed suicide at the age of forty.

Main trends:
In his writings, Jack London emphasized that the class struggle between workers and capitalists was a foregone conclusion, promoted socialist ideas and the subsequent labor revolution, constantly criticized capitalist systems, expounded inhuman laws, explained the seven qualities of capitalism and its infinite greed, called for a spirit of socialism and protection. The environment and the beauty of nature, which is the secret of happiness and joy of life, and the common feature of his writings revolve around the approach of human relationship with nature, and the relationship of the individual to society, and has many books on the stories of the adventures of the heroes of animals, most notably the “White Canine”

Jack London:

- The people of the bottom of society 1903:

One of his best writings is a story written according to the Natural School and its events revolve in the shantytowns and slums of London.

- Iron foot 1906:

He played the novel The Iron Stub in making Jack London one of the most popular writers of the working class, toilers and intellectuals with a stark tendency, as a portrait of the future of mankind, a purposeful novel about the oppressed revolution, the dramatic struggle of America's workers, and the prediction of the emergence of fascism in Europe.

This novel is the gospel of socialism and socialism, developed by Jacques to portray the inevitability of socialism and the collapse of capitalism, and illustrates the enormous struggle between the progressive and reactionary camps, and the methods capitalism uses to struggle for survival.

- The Miracle Novel:

Jack London put this story on the tongue of the heroic wife, in which he imagined that it was found by accident, described as written in the dark era, and put some annotations and footnotes, assuming that he writes it seven centuries after the dawn of socialism He described the phenomena of Western life in the Old Testament.

His theory:

“Today, in order to create a new socialist society, we need to be acquainted with this unique narrative in order to increase our faith in socialist principles and to increase our vigilance against the“ Iron Foot ”conspiracies and their crimes against humanity. "Iron foot" is a name given by Jack London to monopoly capitalism, which aspires to crush the toiling classes with fire and iron.

Jack London was a great creator in the stories of adventure, nature, and animals, not only was he a socialist writer who cared for and defended justice and truth.

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