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The Novel "Les Miserables": a summary, for owners of reading lovers

The Novel "Les Miserables": a summary, for owners of reading lovers

The Novel "Les Miserables": a summary, for owners of reading lovers

The Miserables : 

The most famous French historical novel in the nineteenth century, written by the famous French writer Victor Hugo, and published for the first time in 1862, the novel achieved a very high sales rate, especially after the conversion of a play and film of the same name, and recalled that it also received many awards, has Translated into many languages ​​including Arabic.

Novel Summary:

The novel begins with the release of Jean Valjean in 1815, specifically in the French city of Denné, after spending 19 years in the prisons of Toulon, where he was imprisoned for five years for stealing bread for the children of his sister who suffered from hunger, and arrested 14 years for trying to escape many times.

After he was released from prison, he tried to get off at a hotel but refused to receive him because he had a yellow passport that he was a precedent. He was later hosted by Charles Merrill, Bishop of Dennie, at his home, but Jean Valjean fled the house after he had stolen some silverware from the bishop. Jean Valjean gave silver candlesticks as a gift, and Merrill required Jean Valjean to give his life to God and make himself a good man in exchange for these silverware. But Valjean was stolen again by a passerby, but he regretted his action and looked for the person he had stolen to return his money, but the theft was reported and Jean Valjean was forced to hide under the pretext of returning to prison and living there for life.

Six years later, Jean Valjean used the name of Madeleine, a wealthy man who owned a factory in Montbrillant Sermer and was the mayor of the city. While he walked, he found a man in need of help as he was trapped under the wheels of the wagon and no one would have helped him, Sawa Jean Valjean, who was known for his power. His assistance to the man was seen by the investigator Javier, who was a guard at Toulon prison during Jean Valjean's stay in prison at the time.

In another scene, there was a worker in the factory of the mayor called "Fantin", had a girl called "Cosette" from a man who abandoned her and left her alone with her daughter, so she had to give up her child to a family that was the owner of a corrupt man and his wife is ill-fated, and discovered mistreatment of her daughter was She tries hard to meet their demands so that her daughter is not abused. He was also expelled from the mayor's factory after it was discovered that she had an illegitimate daughter. She then had to sell her hair and teeth to pay the corrupt man money. After a time, Fantin fell ill and was harassed by a passerby and beaten him. It is caught by Investigator Javier who begged Him so much that Aturkhaa so you can save money for her daughter, but he did not care about it and sentenced Olhaa six months, but after the intervention of the mayor and is meant here Jean Valjean, was launched Asrahaa, and return to work the factory and take them to the hospital.

One day a man who was stolen because of hunger was arrested and he was arrested as Jean Valjean because of the precedents of such an incident. Valjean's conscience made him introduce himself and admit that he was Jean Valjean to save the innocent man, which led to his trial, he was forced to flee again and disappearance, and spent his life on this way fugitive and adopted the daughter of Fantin after she died and devoted his life to her.

Another summary of the novel " The Miserables "

The story of "Les Miserables" tells the story of Jean Valjean, a simple illiterate man whose hand stretched out into a loaf of bread under want of hunger, and to feed his sister and her seven hungry children, but the court did not take those reasons and sentenced him to five years' imprisonment with hard labor. To bitter life in prison, he tried to escape and was sent back to jail with another sentence added to the previous sentence.

Then repeated escape and returned to prison until the actual punishment extended to 19 years... Yes, 19 years for a loaf of bread!

When he was released in 1815, he was a miserable and desperate man, and at the same time cruel and spiteful of a society that had no mercy with his sister and her seven hungry children, whose fate is now unknown.

Looking forward to seizing the opportunity to inflict his anger and punishment on society, he has updated himself:

"There is no parity between the harm he has committed and the harm he has suffered."

One thing he benefited from in prison was that he learned to read, write and count at the age of 40. People met Jean Valjean with estrangement, humiliation, and expulsion as soon as they knew his identity after so many years as if he were an untouchable dog.

Expelled even when he offered money he had saved in prison for food and sleep,

He was not even allowed to spend the night in the prison he used to.

One man opened his heart and dwelling, the old bishop Charles Merrill, bishop of the religious city of Mercy who has the upper hand in helping the poor, always busy with his church duties and responsibilities.

The good man who whenever his pockets are full of money visited the poor, and if his pockets of money left, he visited the rich, traveling to the neighboring areas on foot or with the help of a car or riding a mule, all of which made his arrival a joy for people and wherever he came. Bishop Merrill wrote on the sidelines of the Bible: "The doctor's door must not be closed. The door of the bishop must remain open."

But Jean Valjean, whose revolution against the community did not subside at his first freedom, stole from the bishop the six silver dishes with the large soup spoon that the bishop inherited one day and from the first night he sheltered in his house and left the house before the first dawn strings, but the gendarmerie brought him back to the bishop the next day. Jean Valjean thought that he would return to prison again, but the bishop claimed before the gendarmerie that he had given him the dishes and the spoon. Also, he gave him a candlestick he used to light in his house and said to him in a faint voice: «Never forget that you promised me to use these silver vessels A good man! ».
Jean Valjean disappeared after being influenced by this eloquent lesson to continue his life with dignity. One of the most benefactors in the city, believing that the good that he enjoys should be generalized to the needy, the wretched and the oppressed, and open the doors of employment in his treatment of people on one condition everyone knows: «Be honest!» The collective desire of the people who carry E to accept the post after rejection and hesitation.

When the newspapers announced in early 1821 that Bishop Merrill had died of Abra purity and holiness at the age of 82 in charity, Monsieur Madeleine was seen as his name the next morning wearing a black mourning gown and a black band around his hat until it became the talk of the town. From that, he had some connection with the bishop.

Monsieur Madeleine continued to look to the needy with a compassionate and pleading pain, looking out at the crucified statue hanging on the wall and still praying for the martyr in the highest and for those on earth. He sought to make human beings angels, extending a helping hand without hesitation and without waiting for a part. He rescues a man from under the wheels of a chariot.

She would like to accuse a hungry man of stealing after picking up a branch of a highway with fruit remains. As this man is very similar to Jean Valjean, he was charged with theft as Jean Valjean with a link to the charge of theft of previous money for a child I think Jean Valjean carried out days after his release from prison.

Police Inspector Javier was one of the most enthusiastic about the man and testified before the court that Jean Valjean himself, and no one doubted the validity of the testimony of police Inspector Javier, he was among the jailers at the time. Monsieur Madeleine, or Jean Valjean, surrendered himself to the court after a long struggle with oneself and guilty conscience to save that innocent man and reveal the truth of himself, which exposed him to imprisonment again, and the court considered him as a precedent. But while he was transferred from one place to another with a group of convicts, he managed to escape and disappear again.

He spent the rest of his life chasing after Cosette adopted the illegitimate daughter of Fantin after her death and devoted his life to her delight.

By the way, there are cartoons about that novel

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