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The story of physicist Albert Einstein

The story of physicist Albert Einstein

The story of physicist Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

Today's story revolves around physicist Albert Einstein
Of the stupid child who admitted everyone stupidly , did not learn to write only in the tenth
This story can motivate you and give you hope in life

Who is Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein is a German physicist born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany.He developed many important physical theories.Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his interpretation of the photoelectric effect and is considered one of the most influential physicists of the century. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Einstein won several other awards, such as the Copley Medal in 1925, the Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal in 1926, and the Personality of the Year in 1999. The Berne Historical Museum was named Einstein Museum, and died in a hospital. Princeton on April 17, 1955 at the age of Einstein proposed in 1905 that light should be regarded as a stream of particles, photons, rather than the belief in that period that it was considered mere. His theory helped explain some of the phenomena reached by other scientists at that time. The theory of photoelectric effect indicates how electrons are released from the metal surface due to light fall on them. The theory of “wave” suggests that electrons should Increased intensity Light of the incident, but experiments showed that the electron energy is not strongly linked to radiation

Einstein’s personal life

Wedding of Einstein and Meliva.Einstein married Mileva Maric on half a dozen January 1903. that they had 2 sons however their girl Lieserl died in childhood. At the time of Mileva's death in 1948 her eldest son, Hans Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel was a faculty member in civil engineering at the University of Golden State, Berkley. Mileva Maric, a Serbian scientist, was Einstein's companion, colleague, and confidant whose influence was monumental throughout Einstein's most artistic years.
At the age of twenty-one, Mileva listed with country Federal polytechnic institute in 1896, constant year as Einstein, United Nations agency was three-and-a-half years younger than Mileva. Then, she was the sole girl finding out within the mathematical section of the varsity for arithmetic and Science lecturers.

Newly married Einstein was operating half a dozen days per week at the agency, and therefore the remainder of his time was spent on physics. Mileva tried to deal with the loss of her career and therefore the loss of her girl. simply before their second centenary, Marie and Pierre Curie were awarded award in Physics. A stinging reminder that Mileva once hoped for a career.

The following year went well. {albert|Albert|Prince Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel|Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel|prince consort} got a raise and Mileva gave birth to Hans Albert.

In 1905, at the age of twenty-six, Einstein revealed elementary contributions to 3 different areas of physics, a novel event within the history of science. In 1921, Einstein was appointive for the award for those contributions however received the Prize in 1922.

Mileva came into Einstein's life could be a crucial amount of his scientific achievements and helped him in his endeavor. This wedding was an Associate in Nursing intellectual partnership. Einstein loved Mileva's calm independence and intellectual ambitions. He thought of himself lucky to own “a creature United Nations agency is my equal and United Nations agency is powerful and freelance as I am”.

In 1909, Einstein resigned from the University of the capital of Switzerland, quit his job at the agency, and have become a faculty member in an urban center. there have been some matrimonial issues and to revive peace, the Einsteins went on vacation. Their second son, Eduard, was born in 1910.

The following year, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel affected along with his family to the national capital. it was horrifying expertise and in 1912, they came back to an urban center, however to not happiness.

The crisis comes throughout 1914 once Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel accepts employment in Berlin; and Mileva, at first, refused to hitch him. Finally, she joined him in a Gregorian calendar month and Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel delivered an extended list of rules to Mileva to follow. In July, the case failed to work and she or he takes the boys back to the urban center.

The onset of Einstein's family feud coincides with the beginning of warfare I. Mileva and her sons keep during a boarding house, looking ahead to Albert's come. throughout that amount, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel completes his General Theory of Einstein's theory of relativity.

In 1916, he demands a divorce, wherever Mileva breaks down and is hospitalized. In August, Mileva's friend, Helene Savic involves check on her and finds her sick. Helene takes the boys for a month, giving Mileva time to recover. In October, still ill, her sister, Zorka, is distributed to require care of the boys, however, she too contains a medical drawback.

The family feud finally ends, and Mileva agrees to a divorce, on the condition that any future award cash is going to be hers. funnily enough, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel agrees.

How his life changed

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientists and geniuses who have passed through mankind, and he struggled a lot until he reached his desires. In his childhood, he was known to be stupid. And writing until the age of eight years of age, even that one of his teachers once scolded him and told him that it will become nothing in his life, but that Einstein did not give up, and continued to fight and try to become one of the most important and most famous physicists throughout history, has introduced the theory of relativity to the scientific community, And that She answered many questions about the universe, and his theory became the most important in history.

The reason for his life changed

The reason for Einstein's life change is his discovery of :

Photoelectric effect

In 1905, Einstein suggested that light should be regarded as a stream of particles, photons, rather than a common belief in that period, which was regarded as just a single wave. The release of electrons from the metal surface due to the fall of light and the theory of "wave" suggests that electrons are supposed to throw more energy when the intensity of incident light, but experiments have shown that the energy of the electron is not related to the intensity of radiation

This is the story of Albert's struggleHis life has changed by himself and thanks to his intelligenceYou can also change your life yourself, and no one can change your life except you

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