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Change your mind , you change your life (how you can change your mind)

How Can You Change Your Thoughts ?

Change your mind , you change your life (how you can change your mind)
Do you want to change your life for the better
How to do it and what to start and how to start ?
To change your life you have to change your thinking and be creative in a bunch of things to 

Imagine with me that you live with your big sister and you are no longer studying and you have nothing but a Twitter account that has a few followers, and the Internet paid by your angry father you because you left school and, you are browsing YouTube and you have an idea that will change your life 360 Degree, this fantasy became reality with Lil Nas X with rap titled  "Old Town Road" and that was able to reach the number one among the best songs in America for seven weeks

he was able to break the record in SPOTIFY

My words may open the door to anyone who wants to change his life for the better or gain fame via the Internet and without effort, but smartly

today's story about star of music "Old Town Road" Lil Nas X

If you’re paying any quite attention, then you’ve most likely detected the name Lil Nas X. he is a 20-year-old who's country rap single “Old city Road” went infectious agent in early 2019, due to the "Tik Tok" app. Since then, the song has blown up charts, received support from celebs like Tyga, the Avengers's solid and Miley Cyrus’s father, Billy Ray prince and galvanized memes to virtually cause you to LOL. The song simply replaced urban center Grande's seven rings to succeed in the quantity one spot on the hoarding Hot one hundred charts. So, it's most likely safe to mention Lil Nas X isn’t going anyplace. Here, ar many facts you must understand him

Who is Lil Nas X  ?

Montero Lamar Hill( born April 9, 1999), celebrated professionally as Lil Nas X, is associate degree yank rapper, singer and ballad maker. He came to international attention for his country rap escape single "Old city Road", that initial achieved infectious agent quality on the video-sharing app TikTok in early 2019. The song reached best on the signboard Hot 100: and remained there for nineteen weeks, beating the previous record of sixteen weeks since the chart started in 1958; as of August 2019 it's streamed over a billion plays on Spotify alone. His debut EP, 7, was discharged on the solstice, 2019. His second single from seven, "Panini", remains in Rolling Stone's high one hundred high 10 once debuting there July three, 2019.

In June 2019, Nas X came out as gay, thereforele} creative person at that time to possess done so whereas having a number-one hit record

Story Of Lil Nas X ( Montero Lamar Hill )

As we said earlier,
Lil Nas X was born in 1999 in America exactly in Atlanta, where he has six siblings and four sisters, which means they are simply 13 individuals in one family.

His parents separated and had to live with his father when he was ten years old. he inspired by his father who used to sing Christian songs like group songs, that have a harmonious vocal class and this is noticeable in his song. "Old Town Road"
As we said earlier, Lil Nas X went out of school, although he was superior in school and went to work as a waiter in one of the junk food. but tired of work so he went out and went to live with his sister

He became a record in the songs and published in the Sound cloud and twitter and gathered many followers on Twitter because he was publishing Mims about Nikki Minaj and saw that he needed a nickname He chose NAS added Lil because all the rappers add her until

he came in one day and his sister kicked him out of the house and here he will write a song that will change his life  her record as usual and published on Twitter but did not receive fame at first,  but seemed to inject the Memes and  
Where everyone is using his song in the application Tektok .

He partnered with a group of great artists to do a video clip including ft. Billy Ray Cyrus

                                To watch the video clip

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