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Honey treasure story

Honey treasure story

Honey treasure story

Every morning, all the animals go out to look for food. On their way, the big bear is lying down under the tree asleep lazy every day. The animals are greeted by the bear every morning and try to persuade him to go out with them to look for glaucoma. He never needs to go out and search for food under the scorching sun. This tree contains a treasure trove of fresh honey that is enough for months and long days. This is how days go by and the animals are looking for their livelihood, and think about this lazy bear that never leaves its place.

Except in sleep and rest. One day, while the bear was looking at the small hole in the tree, which was filled with delicious honey bees, if surprised by the presence of a large snake chasing a mouse and throw his name on the mouse near the presence of honey, and thus hit the honey poison, and spoiled all, the bear stood on his feet crying His palms are sad and hungry, his food has become poisoned and he cannot eat it.

In the evening all the animals came back carrying a lot of food and livelihood for their young, so they were surprised by the situation of the crying bear and asked him why, and then they tortured him and persuaded him to go out with them every morning in order to make a living, and showed him the benefits of this and how he will become active and has a great energy, and indeed the bear convinced their opinion and became shared with them all Wisdom learned from the story: The story aims to stimulate work and seek livelihood even if a person has a lot of livelihood and money, work strengthens the body and gives energy, vitality, and optimism.

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