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Henry Ford Success and struggle Story

Henry Ford Success and struggle Story
Henry Ford is an example of success and excellence. He faced many difficulties until he reached his goal. He was credited with establishing the first factory to produce cars and spread them all over the world. It also allowed the ordinary man to use the car and benefit from it instead of being a means of entertainment. For a rich person only.

About the beginning of Henry Ford's life:

Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, in Dearborn, Michigan, with a simple family working in agriculture. Ford was not passionate about farming life and loved everything related to mechanics, so when he reached the age of 16 he traveled to Detroit and worked as a mechanical trainee, He gained a lot of experience after which he joined Westinghouse Engines in his short-lived city because of his marriage.

In 1891 Henry worked as an engineer at the Edison Electric Company and developed to become the chief engineer of the company, and his passion for motors made him learn how to make it little by little. In 1896 Henry, in collaboration with the mechanic "Jim Bishop" manufactured his first invention called "the quadruple cycle" which is called It's the first fuel-efficient vehicle he sold for $ 200 to make a better one.

Unsuccessful attempts preceded success:

After he arrived at the Edison Electric Company about Henry's invention of the car, they promoted him to the general manager of the company but stipulated that in return he had to leave any work. Although his promotion led to an increase in his salary and it was suitable for his family, he kept thinking about the way In fact, when Wood Moore found William founded the Detroit Auto Company and invited him to work with him, he did not hesitate to leave his job and appointed the chief engineer of the new company.

Despite Henry's genius, he was unaware of calculations and figures and did not appreciate the number of expenses in working life. He also disliked working with others. All those who supported him began to get angry about his actions, as the company did not succeed and it was not manufactured. A sufficient number of cars, and in the end the company was liquidated and Henry's dismissal.

Ford lived through a period of frustration that persuaded some of the financiers of the old company to set up a race car design company.The company achieved an acceptable success for 16 months but it did not last long because Henry disagreed with his partners.And people avoided working with him because they found someone difficult to deal with.

The beginning of success and the founding of Ford:

When Henry reached the age of 40, he came up with the idea of ​​creating showrooms for people to try out their cars, not only that, but he also aspired to make cars a means for all people to benefit from all classes, not only the privilege of the rich class, and at that time Ford received The support of Alexander Malcolmson, then known for his coal business, and in 1906 Henry succeeded in establishing the Ford Motor Company and became its president.

The company was a huge success and developed day by day, and after reaching a great stage of progress Henry returned to think about his desire to manufacture cars that are available to all classes of people, and indeed did not wait long and published an ad in the newspapers of Detroit in 1905 saying that he could manufacture 10,000 cars He will sell each at a price of only $ 400, and this caused a sensation and at the same time angered his partners, so he had to buy 85% of the shares to be separated from him.

Henry Ford's death:

Henry died in 1947 at the age of 83, leaving a fortune of about $ 500 million to $ 700 million, as well as the global car company, which headed to his grandson Henry Ford II. Ford has become one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and manufactures many models of cars including Jaguar, Land Rover, Austin Martin, Lincoln, and others.

Henry Ford's most famous words:

- Most people waste a lot of time and high energy in turning around problems rather than trying to solve them. Problems are a challenge to your abilities, the problem remains a problem to be solved, and the solution is the prize for the person who contributed to the solution. Instead of avoiding problems, we must face them and welcome them and through the right thinking, we make them benefit us.
- Nothing is difficult if you divide your task into small jobs
- If money is your only hope for independence you will not get it. The real safety that man can get in this world is the store of knowledge, experience, and ability.

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