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key to success in life

Success is one of the beautiful things that distinguished and persistent people get, and here in this article you say and judge about success.

Definition of success

Success is defined as achievements that are achieved in a specific period and with certain factors. It is the description of the individual who has been able to achieve his personal, professional, or financial goals, and is also referred to as achieving positive, desired and desired results.

 Success steps

Several steps can be taken to enable individual access to success, including:
Define the concept of success for the same.
 Set personal, professional and academic goals, and raise the ceiling of self-expectations.
 Develop strategies that help to achieve goals.
 Use technology as a means to achieve goals.
 Provide a support network of family and friends.
 Work hard, be diligent, and have flexibility.
 Understand self-capacities and ways to develop them, strengths and weaknesses.

 Qualities of successful people

Responsibility Many successful people realize that setting goals are not enough to achieve them; rather, progress must be pursued to achieve these goals, creating self-motivation for the individual to help increase success. Short-term goals can be easily achieved.
 Ability to build supportive relationships
Building supportive relationships with others is a catalyst for success. One needs the support of others to help them increase perseverance and face disappointments. 
Relations also contribute to seeking advice and observing their behaviors, which drives learning from their successes and mistakes.
Possessing awareness
Consciousness is an attribute that a successful individual must possess, as he or she leads to making the right and appropriate decisions that bring the goal closer. , And stay away from decisions that foster failure.

Sayings and the rule about success 

The secret to success is consistency on the goal.
Many failures in life are people who have not realized how close they are to success when they are empty. It is good to celebrate success, but more importantly to draw lessons from failure.
 Your success and happiness lie in you.
The guilt of the fox helps us succeed more than the claws of the dam.
 Failure with honor is better than success with failure. People do not reach the park of success, without going through the stations of fatigue, failure, and despair, and his strong will does not prolong standing in these stations.
 The will to succeed is important, but more importantly, they will prepare for success.
The sincere will of the human being resembles a hidden force behind his back, pushing him forward on the road to success and growing with time to prevent him from stopping or retreating.
 Nothing is necessary to succeed after trusting in God more than perseverance because it transcends all obstacles. The fruit of success comes from long patience.
 To succeed, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure.
 When you do succeed you don't think you will relax to enjoy it, as no one will let you. Success draws success, money also draws money.
 Before the sky is filled with knives. The most eloquent preachers is a success.
 Success requires no feet, but feet.
 If your daughter's marriage succeeds, you have earned a son, and if it fails, you lose a girl.
 The student of glory created for success prepared for work makes experiences and does not say it and walks the way to the end and does not chart its footsteps and measure the farthest.
 You don't lose unless you stop trying.
 Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. Success is what you do to others. The three elements of success:
The desire, ability, and opportunity, though, to search for an opportunity are like searching a gold mine, and countless facts suggest that finding an opportunity is often the beginning of great projects.
 Whenever success as a result of good planning and persistent perseverance coupled with a favorable opportunity, people consider it luck.
 Perseverance and success are twins, the first is a matter of quality and the second is a matter of time.
 If you want to succeed in your life make perseverance your best friend and experience your wise and careful adviser your elder brother and please your guardian genius.
 I plan and work hard if you do not stand .. Patience and perseverance success is achieved.
Patience is the key to success and we have not found it.
 He measured the worries he had succeeded .. And the night behind him was accompanied.
 Five reasons for success:
 Focus, excellence, organization, development, and design.
 When I build a team, I always look for people who like to win, and if I don't find any of them, I look for people who hate defeat. Man can change his life if he can change his mental attitudes.
 The only answer to defeat is a victory. The hardest thing to succeed is that you have to maintain it and talent is just a starting point in the business world.
You must continue to develop and benefit from this talent.
 The glory, success, and production remain dreams delicious in the hearts of the owners and what turns real facts only if the workers inflated from their soul and connected with the minimum sense and movement.
 It is noticeable that success is the best use of time, while the other waste.
 He burned all the boats back, thus maintaining a state of mind called the unquenchable desire to succeed, necessary to perceive any success.
 When I was young, I noticed that nine out of ten things I do fail, so I did 10 times what I had to do.
 Success is the transition from failure to failure, without losing hope.
 Heroes are not made in training halls. Heroes are made of things deep inside them: will, dream and vision.
 Many people spend a lot of time and effort avoiding problems, rather than trying to solve them. You are not like me, but you have powerless goals.
 Fear of any new attempt is an inevitable path to failure.
 Failure around you doesn't necessarily mean your failure, but don't expect them to help you succeed.
 People think that happiness is the result of success, but the opposite is true. The only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.
 The art of being brave and careful once is the art of success.
 A person can climb to the highest peaks, but cannot stay there for long. In our lives two tragedies are the first is not getting what we wish and the second is we get it. The last profit is best remembered. The work of many works did not succeed in any of them. The journey of success does not require the search for new land but requires attention to success and the desire to achieve and look at things with new eyes.
 You have to learn the rules of the game first, then you have to learn how to play better than others.
 If the true believer is found, all the reasons for success are found. Success is the only worldly judge of right and wrong.
 The first thing that is essential to success is the constant and regular acts of violence. If the elevator of success is down, use the stairs step by step.
 Before you try to become successful, you have to try to be a valuable human being, and then success comes automatically.
Success is sometimes a bad teacher because it makes intelligent people think they are not losing.
 Success comes from the right decisions, the right decisions come from the proper appreciation of things, and the proper appreciation comes from experiences, and experiences come from the wrong assessment of things.
 It is important to know how to concentrate, tame, and direct that energy on important things, rather than squandering them on trivial and useless things.
 Success is not measured by the position one holds in life, but by the difficulties it overcomes.
We start the road to success as soon as we triumph over the "I" within each of us.

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