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The success story of Steve Jobs who dazzled the world

The success story of Steve Jobs who dazzled the world

 Steve Jobs, there are many dazzling success stories in this surrounding world and these stories is the success story of Steve Jobs as this story has dazzled the world, and all the stories have similar elements of determination and determination, and the challenge to reach success, and overcome all the difficulties facing Owners of all success stories.

 The success story of Steve Jobs is one of the most famous success stories that everyone must know, to learn from them how to achieve their goals, and how to overcome obstacles, and also knows the steps that make it to success, and to know that insistence is the other face of success, and to learn also It is despair that destroys ambitions, and this despair is not known to these great people.

Jobs' passion for technology and its impact on its success: -

He was passionate about technology, so he started looking for a job in the field of technology. At that time he worked in a gaming company as a video game designer. He then traveled to India and then returned to his native United States of America. The idea that he was setting up a software company always came to his mind. His is called Steve Wozniak by helping him set up the company.

 Apple company:-

The company started to assemble all kinds of computers, and operated computer systems designs, mouse without typing commands or issuing systems using the keyboard, Jones was able to enlarge this company, which has always been launching many wonderful electronic devices and works to provide many inventions launched by The company continuously.

 Achievements of Steve Jobs: -

 Jobs invented the phone that makes calls to anyone anywhere, hence the company became famous and called Apple and this was the favorite fruit of Jobs in those times Jobs was exposed to fail many times, but every time he overcomes this failure until he made the laptop.
Then the company began to succeed and achieved a major leap in the field of software, when Jobs introduced a new system of its kind, Macintosh, which was the first system to operate a graphical interface for the computer and a mouse, then there was a dispute between Jobs and his partners, but this did not cause Jobs to retreat teat.

 Jones created another company, Next, and the company began to work in the evolving possibilities instead of the PC. When Apple collapsed and its share in the technology world fell, the company's chairman invoked Jobs, Jobs returned to the company again. He worked at the company as a consultant, and then Apple bought the company Next, and so the company shine again, by introducing the company to the Mac, which was designed to take advantage of the Internet, and then the great inventions of the company, where Jobs introduced the iPod in 2001 , It was the first of its kind.

 The emergence of the iPad has had a huge impact on the computer world, where at that time Jones was able to achieve many successes that were punctuated by many obstacles, and he always said, that he does not care to be the richest man, as much as it is to return to bed and feel that he By doing something wonderful.

 The company then invented the sophisticated iPhone, and then inventions in the company to become one of the first company in the world of technology, and smartphones of the company are one of the best and most important phones, and this was what Jobs wanted, that the company offers the best devices.

 This company created by Jobs and reached its peak after a great failure and many difficulties and obstacles, Jones was able to overcome these obstacles even if he was not able at first, but he was able to eventually reach what he wanted, and estimated to reach his great ambitions and is a story Jobs' success is one of the stories that impressed the world.

 With Apple created by Jobs, he has become the richest man in the world, this story when anyone reads it will learn that there is no barrier to success, it is the mental barrier that makes man complete his path to success and overcome a lot of failures, or He despair and does not move still.

 See also: Walt Disney's success story in short,

 This is a summary of the success story of Steve Jobs who dazzled the world, and the reader learns that nothing is called impossible because everyone has the ability to do anything to reach his goals, but one must believe in those abilities, and he must know Reaching goals has not come easily, but man can go through many failures, and he has to overcome all kinds of failures to succeed.

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